Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Hey Penguins!
Anyome else have tons of lightning, large hail, flood watch, or basically live anywhere on the East Coast? Well I hope you are enjoying this fun weather! I am afraid my power is about to go out, so i don't think i have time to actually re-type Billybobs whole message (sorry!), so I wil just quote them!
"What's better than a Rockhopper, Aunt Arctic, or Squidzoid toy? How about all of them (and others!) available mid-June when the Series 3 Club Penguin toys come out? You asked for Rockhopper (Limited Edition Penguin) to come back - and he'll be back!! You'll also see some brand new toys. I've heard that some of you have seen a few of the new ones in stores early! That's awesome - and we wanted to let you know that The Treasure Book update will happen on June 15, so you'll be able to enter your Unlock Items Online code then. In North America, starting soon, you'll see the new Series 3 toys at Toys'R'Us Stores, Disney Parks, and Disney Stores (including the Disney Online store). And for those of you in the UK and Australia, you'll see the them later this summer, so keep your eyes open!"
It sounds pretty cool!!I think the plush are very cute! Well, I need to turn off my computer just in case so it won't be powersurged if lightning strikes, so until later-
Waddle On! The Penguin Queen