Monday, June 15, 2009

101 days update, new toys!

Hey Penguins! Sorry I couldn't post yesterday, my computer has a bug!

101 days: Have you been following the 101 days of activities? Well now there is an incentive! Now, when Club Penguin sees penguins doing the activities, they will be randomly giving out 1001 coins! Is that enough to make you try to complete the challenges? Click HERE to see the post with this weeks 101 days video!

New Toys: Toys R Us has come out with the next series of toys! They now have 'Pull and Go' toys, which have wheels. The first two to come out are
-Snow Trekker and 'G': The Snow Trekker has some cool history in Club Penguin.
In the very, very first Penguin Style catalog, it was on the back page listed
as "out of stock". It has also "guest starred" at a few parties and was in the
Elite Force DS game!
-Flying Saucer and Alien: Remember it from a play in October? Possibly one from a
Planet called Y? Planet Y was a cool play - anyone remember it?

Also, the second series of puffles are coming out! They will each have an expression displaying their unique personalities!

So how have you enjoyed the party so far??
Waddle On! The Penguin Queen
P.S. Stay Tuned, we may be changing up our colors and design soon!


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