Thursday, June 18, 2009

Dojo Contest Winners!

Hey Penguins! The New Newspaper is out, announcing the new 101 days of fun (movie tomorow) and the winners of the dojo decorating contest!

Dojo: Congrats to everyone who entered, especially the winners! In the Paper, the Sensi wrote a Haiku (5 sylables, 7 sylables, 5 sylables) for each winner's igloo!

The first place winners who each get 25,000 coins are:
Blue Isle
Freeze the 1
Glaceon 614
Han Solo 8
LouLou Emzee
Manaphy 1997
Saska 97
Stinkyman 10

And the Runner's Up, who each win 15,000, are
123 Jillian
1999 Lucy
Angel 21745
Cowboys 4444
Curly Choo
Daisy 850478
Giggle 900
Harris T 1
Lavender 321
Orangeman 858

Cool! I hope you like the changes to our site so far, we are still working on it though, so sorry for any outages!


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