Friday, June 19, 2009


Hey Penguins! I am sorry to tell you that I am going to be on vacation for two weeks. Not that I dont want to go on vacation (I will be in two different contries other than my own!) but that means NO CLUB PENGUIN NEWS or Club Penguin for two whole weeks!
I don't want to have to leave my loving penguin fans without news, so I found some other CP sites ( friendly competition) you can use. (Don't leave me for them though!)
-Mimo's site
-Secret Penguin's site
-Cena12121's site

Until the 4th, see ya!!

101 days of fun week 3!

Hey Penguins! Here is the movie for the 3rd week of 101 days of fun! Enjoy!

Hey Penguins! The party may be over, but the fun is just beginning! Check out the really short film!

Better Igloos: I like the new catalogue! It has alot of cool looking stuff. But it only has 3 cheats:
-LCD TV: page 1, click the torch!
-Penguin Knight Ice Sculpture: Page 3, click the medieval banner!
-Wheelbarrel: Page Page 4, click bottom puff on poodle plant!
I really like the stone walls and stuff!! I am re-redoing my igloo now! It goes great with the puffle fish pond!

New Pin: The inside of the lighthouse holds something. Something watery and mellon like. Thats right! The newest Watermellon pin is here! Go get it before it is gobbled up!

Well thats all for now!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Hey Penguins! It's still June, but Club Penguin is already planning July!

Membership: Nowadays, anything fun on Club Penguin seems to be members only. But you don't want to have to waste money paying during the jam packed school months when you have little time to play. What do you do? Get the special Summer Special! The 3 month deal is only $14.95, so you save $2.90 from just paying the monthly membership! (Then you can spend that money on a popsicle at the beach!) It's limited time only, so hurry to get it now, before July 15!

Music Jam: There is more than just one reason to get the special Summer membership. Thats right! The Summer Music Jam is back, and if you are a member, this means you can try to meet guest stars, like Candace! There will be new DJ3K tracks to play, too, probabally from Candace's new 'releases'! Also, it seems like there will be more new clothes and stuff to personalize your penguin! Remeber last year's Music Jam - members could go backstage and get instruments, like a tuba or guitar!

I can't wait!

Reviewed By You!

Hey Penguins! What was your favorite adventure in Club Penguin?
That was the most recent Reviewed by You question! Club Penguin chose Ninja Red's answer

"My favorite adventure on the island would most definitely have to be when I became a ninja. I proved to myself that I could do it, and I did. Getting all my belts, and defeating the Sensei was an incredible journey that i will never forget. I am proud of my position as a secret ninja, now what are you waiting for? Join me, Keep trying and reach for your goals! "

Did you submit an answer? Click HERE to answer this weeks question:
What is your favorite music in Club Penguin?

Dojo Contest Winners!

Hey Penguins! The New Newspaper is out, announcing the new 101 days of fun (movie tomorow) and the winners of the dojo decorating contest!

Dojo: Congrats to everyone who entered, especially the winners! In the Paper, the Sensi wrote a Haiku (5 sylables, 7 sylables, 5 sylables) for each winner's igloo!

The first place winners who each get 25,000 coins are:
Blue Isle
Freeze the 1
Glaceon 614
Han Solo 8
LouLou Emzee
Manaphy 1997
Saska 97
Stinkyman 10

And the Runner's Up, who each win 15,000, are
123 Jillian
1999 Lucy
Angel 21745
Cowboys 4444
Curly Choo
Daisy 850478
Giggle 900
Harris T 1
Lavender 321
Orangeman 858

Cool! I hope you like the changes to our site so far, we are still working on it though, so sorry for any outages!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Hey Penguins!
Better Igloos:On Friday the new Better Igloos Catalogue comes out! It seems like there will be alot of summer fun! Billybob said that you won't miss the Adventure party, and included a photo of a palm. What do you think that means? I bet there will be alot of greenery, and maybe Rockhoppers plants will grow!

That would be cool!

Soccer: Score! As the summer heats up, so do sports! The Ice Rink has changed to the soccer pitch for it's round of summer sports! Get a red, green, blue, or yellow(goalie) jersey and some friends and start playing! If you have a soccer ball, dance and you will "juggle" the soccer ball!

Box Dimension: If you got a transporting box during the april fools day party, you cna visit the magical Box Dimension Room! If it in your igloo, or one you visit, you can enter it! It seems like it is used as a dumping area of club penguin, kind of where they store stuff from parties past until they are used again. Right now, plants are covering the Box Dimension! Check it out:

Wow! Thats alot going on inaddition to the party! Remember, the winners of the Dojo igloo contest comes out tomorow!

New colors!

Hey Penguins! Notice Anything?? Maybe a new color? logo? DESIGN? Well if you said yes to any of those, go you! We have decided to change our sites appearance, and throughout the rest of the week, things may change or our site may be down. We promise you will like the end result!!

Please comment on anything we miss or should change!

Sorry for any inconvenience!

Monday, June 15, 2009

101 days update, new toys!

Hey Penguins! Sorry I couldn't post yesterday, my computer has a bug!

101 days: Have you been following the 101 days of activities? Well now there is an incentive! Now, when Club Penguin sees penguins doing the activities, they will be randomly giving out 1001 coins! Is that enough to make you try to complete the challenges? Click HERE to see the post with this weeks 101 days video!

New Toys: Toys R Us has come out with the next series of toys! They now have 'Pull and Go' toys, which have wheels. The first two to come out are
-Snow Trekker and 'G': The Snow Trekker has some cool history in Club Penguin.
In the very, very first Penguin Style catalog, it was on the back page listed
as "out of stock". It has also "guest starred" at a few parties and was in the
Elite Force DS game!
-Flying Saucer and Alien: Remember it from a play in October? Possibly one from a
Planet called Y? Planet Y was a cool play - anyone remember it?

Also, the second series of puffles are coming out! They will each have an expression displaying their unique personalities!

So how have you enjoyed the party so far??
Waddle On! The Penguin Queen
P.S. Stay Tuned, we may be changing up our colors and design soon!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

And the winner is..

The Second Pin!! Congrats to all of the penguins who chose the beach umbrella pin, yours is the winner! My idea, though, is that they will still use the other two at some point in time.

How have you guys been enjoying the party? Post a comment and tell us!

Waddle On!
The Penguin Queen

Friday, June 12, 2009

Hey Penguins! I hope you have some popcorn, we have 2 movies today - the party and 101 days of fun!

Party: Wow! The party is fun! I hope you have already watched the brief film, but here is the overview:
-Free Items: Grab a hat in the Plaza and start your safari, and if you're a member, find a feathered friend in the treetops above the forest!
-Adventure Hunt: Go on an adventure hunt! We hope you have found:
Discovery One
Go to the underground pool/cave and click the gray fish that swims by.
Discovery Two
Go to the Cove and look for the flower vine next to the Surf Shack
Discovery Three
Go to the Dock and click on the turtle to the right of the dock.
Discovery Four
Go to the Snow Forts and click on the bush on the top left with flower bulbs.
Discovery Five
Go to the Berg and click the spout of water coming up in the top left.
Discovery Six
Go to the Plaza and click the flower vine hanging on the top right of Pizza Shop.
Discovery Seven
Go to the Beach and click the bubbles (ew) for a jellyfish to pop up (phew!)
Discovery Eight
Go to the Forest and click the largest flower right in the middle to finish!
Claim Your Prize
You win an Adventure Party Background!!

Play: There is the Award Winning Fairy Fables play out right now! You can read the actual (twisted) fairy tale! Also, there is one hidden item cheat: On the second page with Twee, click the middle of the boombox for her silver wand(150 coins)!

Also, there is the new week of 101 days of fun out! Make sure you do them all!

Go and enjoy the ADVENTURE PARTY!
Waddle On!! The Penguin Queen

p.s. SCHOOLS OUT! (well for me atleast) Are you out yet?

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Hey Penguins! Can you believe the party is TOMOROW?!Wow! Thats also my last day of school. When is yours?

Anyway, Billybob posted on his site about our reviews of favorite parties! What is your favorite party? I really liked the water party since it was so fun, and the medieval party since it was new and there was a QUEST! A penguin named Vendiagram1 liked the water party too! See her review:
"Ever have a favorite party you just don't want to end? That's how I felt about the Water Party! Club Penguin can make parties into anything! I remember how that crab broke the glass, allowing water onto the island. Penguins didn't know what to do! So, we got a hose, a couple of inflatable animals, and we started a water party! Wow!"

Click HERE and review their current question: What is your favorite adventure in club penguin??
Mine was the medieval where i went on the quest!

Well, get some rest, as tomorow there is alot of ADVENTURE and PARTYING awaiting!
Waddle On My Dear Penguins! -The Penguin Queen

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Choose Your Pin!

Hey Penguins!
Phew the storn is over for me, but it looks like a new storm of activity.. on club penguin .. is coming our way!

Pick Your Pin: Club Penguin for the first time EVER is letting you choose what pin YOU want! Thats right, you get to SEE the pin before it comes out AND choose it! (haha im having fun with caps) Go to the Whats New section of the Club Penguin Blog and choose between 3 types of Pins! Your Choices are:
The Sunflower pin, a Beach Umbrella pin, and a Bucket/Pail pin!

I Personally love the bucket pin!!
Which do you like?

Waddle On! The Penguin Queen

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

New CP Toys Coming!

Hey Penguins!
Anyome else have tons of lightning, large hail, flood watch, or basically live anywhere on the East Coast? Well I hope you are enjoying this fun weather! I am afraid my power is about to go out, so i don't think i have time to actually re-type Billybobs whole message (sorry!), so I wil just quote them!
"What's better than a Rockhopper, Aunt Arctic, or Squidzoid toy? How about all of them (and others!) available mid-June when the Series 3 Club Penguin toys come out? You asked for Rockhopper (Limited Edition Penguin) to come back - and he'll be back!! You'll also see some brand new toys. I've heard that some of you have seen a few of the new ones in stores early! That's awesome - and we wanted to let you know that The Treasure Book update will happen on June 15, so you'll be able to enter your Unlock Items Online code then. In North America, starting soon, you'll see the new Series 3 toys at Toys'R'Us Stores, Disney Parks, and Disney Stores (including the Disney Online store). And for those of you in the UK and Australia, you'll see the them later this summer, so keep your eyes open!"
It sounds pretty cool!!I think the plush are very cute!
Well, I need to turn off my computer just in case so it won't be powersurged if lightning strikes, so until later-
Waddle On! The Penguin Queen

Monday, June 8, 2009

101 days sketch!

Hey Penguins! Billybob has shown us a picture of what the original sketch of mullet was! How cool! Make sure you catch mullet for todays 101 days activity!!

P.S. Have you decorated your igloo for the contest yet??

Waddle On! The Penguin Queen

New At Toys -r- Us

Hey Penguins! Club Penguin must really be busy making this new party great! Why? It has slipped their mind that Toys "R" Us is now selling new stuff! The Igloo Makeover book is $6.99USD, and the figurines are $5.99USD each! Check Them Out!
Club Penguin Igloo Makeover Sticker Book

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Binocular Coolness.

Hey Penguins! I C U! How? I am wearing my cool new binoculars! If you buy them from the shop for 400 coins! This hand item has a special "move". When you are wearing just it or just safari items, and you dance, you look through them! How cute!

I just love how big my eyes get!
Waddle On!

The Penguin Queen

New Party Hint, 101 week 1!

Hey Penguins! I will keep this one brief!
Here is the movie for the 101 days of fun week one! I will be capturing each week for a movie, and in the fall i will make one giant one! Make sure you do each activity!

Also there is a new party sneak peak! According to BillyBob, next Friday you'll be able to discover Club Penguin like you never have before. There will be things to find on a scavenger hunt, a member-only tree house, underground ruins to explore, and secrets in the Forest!
I can't WAIT! They are definitly making membership a valuable expierience and worthwhile!
Not much else to report!
The Penguin Queen

Friday, June 5, 2009

Hey Penguins! We made a mini movie so you know what is happening this week!

Pin: The new pin is the SAFARI PIN! it's so cute! Go to the book room (see first day of the 101) to get it!

Catalogue: The new Catalogue is here!
On the second bach page, click the rock on the bottom left!
Crystal Staff
Click the different colored brick in the wall! (left side)
Woodsman’s Hat
Click the tall window! (right side of page)
Blue Dragon Costume
Click the shadow of the dragon next to the staircase!
Black Graduation Cap
Click the Coffee Cup on the table!
Red Viking Helmet
Click where the spotlights cross on the second clearance page to get it, the third time you will ge tthe BLUE viking helmet!

Grass: Grass is beginning to sprout, signifing the upcoming party! The party starts on the day i get out for summer! When do you get out (or are you lucky and already have?)

Make sure you keep up with the 101 days!!
Waddle On! The Penguin Queen

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Catalogue Prieview

Hey Penguins!

Catalogue: The new catalogue preview comes out on Friday!! It will have the blue wig that you guys vote on too! I hope they have some cool summer stuff! In the picture it looks kind of like a bathing suit! Those would be cool, especially if they were different from last years! We will just have to wait and see!

Waddle On! The Penguin Queen
P.S. On Friday, CP will also be posting about the party coming up (we are ahead of them, check a few posts back)and will have a prieview!

Monday, June 1, 2009

101 days of FUN!!

Are you ready to have an action packed, FUN club penguin SUMMER??? Club Penguin Sure is!

101 days of fun: Starting thursday until September 12 (101 days later) Club Penguin will have one thing to discover or do every day!! It will be posted each week in the paper! We may need to make a new widget on our site just for it too! Can you even think of 101 things to do, not just on Club Penguin? It will be cool to see what stuff they have for us to find!
More Will Be Coming Thursday!!
-The Penguin Queen

P.S. Did you notice Rockhopper is gone, along with the chance to get the exclusive background? Did you get to see him? I did!
