Thursday, April 30, 2009

Tomorow is the start of a new month, May, and it is brining alot of new stuff to Club Penguin!

There will be a new penguin style with some old (but in) fashioned wigs! Check out the pervious post for the picture!

Also, penguins will start to get paid! If you are a secret agent or a tour guide, expect to get your first paycheck tomorow! How much do you think you will be paid?? I hope its alot, I could use some money! See the Bottom for how to be a tour guide or secret agent! To fit in with the tour guide theme, Club Penguin will now release the Elite Force DS game in New Zealand and Australia! Now all of you Zealies and those Down Under can play too!

Cheat Alert!! The lighthouse now turns on and off when you flip the switch! Is it left over from Easter? Or is it here to stay?? It is pretty cool!

Need To Be a Tour Guide? Here are the question answers!

What item is thrown out of the truck in level 4 of Bean Counters? -Flower Pot
What is the name of rockhoppers ship?-The Migrator
What room has a cuckoo clock?-Ski Lodge
What is the name of the big fish in ice fishing?-Mullet
Which of these games has a shark in?-Jetpack Adventure
How Does the Pink Puffle Play?-Skips with skipping rope.
What day does the newspaper out?-Thursday
How do you get a pin?-Walk on top of it
How many sled racing tracks are there?-4
In what room can you find old copies of the Penguin Times-Boiler Room
How Many Coins does it cost to buy a player card background?-60
What item is always hidden in a different place in the clothing catalog every month?-Viking Helmet
What Color Puffle can catch on fire?-Black
Which of these rooms doesnt have music playing in the background?-Pet Shop
Which of these rooms does NOT have a game in it?-Beach

Or If you are 45 days old - A Secret Agent? Here is their quiz answers!

Being Mean or Rude
Report Them
Saying Their Adress
I Want To Keep Club Penguin Safe
I Want To Help Other Penguins

Enjoy.. and Waddle On!

The Penguin Queen

Monday, April 27, 2009

Wig Out!

Club Penguin will have a new Penguin Style this Friday, and besides a medieval theme, it will seems like it will feature wigs! They have a challenge for you - wear a wig! Be in crowded places of penguins in wigs, and see if you get into their screenshot!

They included this as a black and white sketch, and I added color - let's see how close I am!
Until then... Waddle On and Wig Out!
The Penguin Queen

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Rockhoppers Wherabouts

X marks the spot... er well in this case a big red circle! From April 30 to May 13, expect to see Rockhopper-He will be hanging out at Hollywood Studios at WDW in Florida! I am not anywhere close ot Florida, but if anyone spots him, please post! Think he will be giving out a code or something?? That would be cool.


The Penguin Queen

P.S. Don't forget to 'join the kingdom' by clicking the link on the left!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

New songs and New Tobaggan!

Hey penguins! I hope you are enjoying the new updates!

The New Tobaggan has come out! It is plain wood, and I think there may be more in the future! It is 300 coins, and for MEMBERS only. Sorry N-M penguins!
Also Dance Contest has release 3 new songs to dance to!

They are:

-Patrick’s Jig
-Go West
-Let’s Bounce

They are cool, but not much new. This is also MEMBERS only, sorry N-Ms again! I am not really a fan of this game, mostly because I am not too good, but I do like the new music! (:

There have also updated the igloo music!! Finally something for you N-Ms too! They have Noir Noises (noir is french for black), Egyptian wrap, For Great Justice (this used to be called something else, i forget what tho), Twice Apon A Time (from play), and Pterodactyl Ptune (cool name.)!

Enjoy! Waddle On!

Friday, April 24, 2009

New Tree Pin!

The Tree Pin is out!
Go look for it at the Dojo!!

Also, nothing new at the sled racing!
Maybe later!

Waddle On!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

New Sections!!

Hey guys, just wanted to alert you to some of our cool sections! We have missions, catalogues, game guides, and ninja sections!

Check them out, they are pretty cool, and can be found in the right sidebar! Enjoy!

Here Ye, Here Ye! From May 8th to the 17th, club penguin will be hosting its Medieval Party! It will be bringing back the century old memories (as well as ones from last year) and some cool new stuff! Get ready for a royal treat, and watch out for dragons if you are mine racing!
Are You a Tour Guide, opening up the world to new penguins? Or a Secret Agent, risking it all to protect the good of the town from evil polar bear forces? You do alot for Club Penguin's community, and now you will be rewarded! A monthly pay will be rewarded soon!
Sled Racing will never be more fun! Starting tomorow, the sled racing game will get pretty ticked out! A new tobaggan available for sale and some cool music to listen to as you fly down towards the finish will be a fun update for one of the oldest and least changed games!
Until Later, Waddle On!!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

New Pin!

The Easter Bunny Pin has come out!

It is in the Forest!!

Don't Forget to Do the Egg hunt!

Waddle On! The Penguin Queen

Easter Egg Hunt!

The Easter Egg hunt has officially began!
Use their rhyme hints if you can!
Or you can watch our movie of cheat,
and pretty soon you will get the treat!
This years prize is the same as last's
But it is a new color from any years past!
In the movie to follow me,
a chocolate outfitted penguin you must see
And before i begin at each scene i will sing -hehe! (:

Waddle On! The Penguin Queen

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Hi! I am the Penguin Queen, the queen of this kingdom! This blog is for everything club penguin! We will have news, cheats, secrets and more!! Enjoy!

Waddle On!!
